Wednesday 2 October 2013

women orientated magazine
The Masthead:
The masthead uses very formal, classy and elegant,  this portrays the magazine as it is high class fashion meaning it needs to appeal to higher class women. The magazine is also very well knows so the masthead doesn't need to be big and bold as many people already know it well. The fact that the title is also silver also signifies high class, it also links in with the main image as she is wearing a shiny/silver cardigan. The masthead is also subtle which shows the magazine doesn't need to catch the viewers eye as the already have such a large, established audience group.

Main Image:
The woman in the main image is making eye contact, making it seem like the woman is directly looking at the reader. This draws people in as it makes them intrigued and want to read more. The main image highlights the clothes which shows the viewer there will be a lot to do with fashion with in it. The woman on the front cover is an italian model, this shows that the magazine is based around fashion not celebrities as it has no artic;es about gossip, soaps etc.. The only thing that seems to be portrayed as important on the cover f the magazine is fashion ans style which shows that it is a very serious magazine.

Cover Lines: 

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